3月16日午後6時~10時 After Hours @ Vancouver Aquarium
閉園後、何と、ビールやワインを片手に館内を散策 するイベントです。
チケット購入- Learn about reproduction underwater – from coral sex to otter love – from a special scientific presentation by a veterinarian.
- How sharks can reproduce four different ways and uncover why the ocean is sexy through talks from aquarists. Enjoy romanced-themed programing, and so much more, all night long!
カクテルをいただきながらレクチャーを聴くなんて。。。オトナのイベントです。 - Experience the thrill of 4D in our 4D theater, with film screenings every 30 minutes
- Roll up your sleeves and experience hands-on learning with marine invertebrates like sea stars, sea urchins and more in our Wet Lab*
Food, beer and wine will be available for purchase.