2017年 春 マリファナ


4月20日「マリファナの日」にカナダ政府の Health Minister  Jane Philpott大臣は、4月19日から21日にかけて世界の薬物問題に関する国連特別総会(UNGASS)が開催されている国連で、2017年春にカナダではマリファナは合法化すると、演説をしました。

“We will introduce legislation in spring 2017 that ensures we keep marijuana out of the hands of children and profits out of the hands of criminals,” Philpott said.
“While this plan challenges the status quo in many countries, we are convinced it is the best way to protect our youth while enhancing public safety.”

2014年の調査より9ポイントアップの 68% のカナディアンは「マリファナ合法化すべし」と考えているようで、36%の人は合法化は悪い結果をもたらすと考えているものの、65%のカナディアンは合法化した方が良い結果になると考えているようです。

More Canadian students in Grades 9 and 10 smoke pot than anywhere else in North America or Europe, according to a new study by the World Health Organization.
The study, which looked at health behaviours of schoolchildren in 44 countries in 2014, found one in five Canadian Grade 9 and 10 students had used pot over a 12 month period.
It also found more Canadian Grade 9 and 10 students had tried cannabis before the age of 13 than anywhere else in the world, with around 7% inhaling at an early age.
However, the study says, despite leading the world in lighting up, cannabis use by Canadian Grade 9 and 10 students is actually the lowest its ever been in the past 20 years.

