203. (1) On application under Division 2 for a work permit made by a foreign national other than a foreign national referred to in subparagraphs 200(1)(c)(i) to (ii.1), an officer must determine, on the basis of an assessment provided by the Department of Employment and Social Development, of any information provided on the officer’s request by the employer making the offer and of any other relevant information, if
(e) the employer
(i) during the period beginning six years before the day on which the request for an assessment under subsection (2) is received by the Department of Employment and Social Development and ending on the day on which the application for the work permit is received by the Department, provided each foreign national employed by the employer with employment in the same occupation as that set out in the foreign national’s offer of employment and with wages and working conditions that were substantially the same as — but not less favourable than — those set out in that offer, or
*2013年12月31日以降、ESDC/Service Canadaによる過去6年間のLMO/LMIA申請書の審査が法的に許されることになりました。
過去にPositive LMOを取得し再度LMIAを申請された雇用主にService Canadaからこの審査(Employer Compliance Review)が入ります。
2)その外国人労働者の給与明細(Service Canadaから期間指定有り)
3)タイムシート(Service Canadaから期間指定有り)
4)労災保険加入証明(BC州であればWork Safe BC)
カナダそして各州の労働法に則った雇用をしていない場合、例えばStatutory Holiday Payをきちんと支払っていないことが提出書類より発覚したりという場合は是正処置を取るように勧告され、きちんとその処置を行った証明書提出が後日求められます。